Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) can define as the holistic development of
children including physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional
development from conception to age five.
childhood is defined as the period of a child’s life from conception to age
five (internationally eight). There are two reasons for including this age
range within a definition of ECCD. Care and development
means something additional rather than education, such as children’s health and
nutrition, their evolving emotional and social abilities, as well as their
minds, to move policy makers and program providers away from thinking
exclusively in terms of pre-schooling.
is defined as the process of change in which the child comes to master more and
more complex levels of moving, thinking, feeling and interacting with people
and objects in the environment.
development is a process in which many areas are exists. These are-
Physical development
Cognitive development
Social and emotional development
Language development
ECCD is an opportunity to avoid or reduce
developmental problems, thereby bringing lasting benefits to individuals and
society including early years are crucial in the formation of intelligence,
personality and social behaviour, children are born with physical, social and
psychological capacities which allow them to communicate, learn and develop. If
these capacities are not recognized and supported, they will never be
developed, proper care at early age can do much to create an enabling
environment that ensures protection and support for more broad-based issues
such as children's health, nutrition, psycho-social and cognitive development,
ECCD stress the importance of child-friendly, family-focused and
community-based programs that not only serve to strengthen ongoing social
service programs, but improve the physical and mental capacity of children,
investments in Early Childhood Development can further help to modify
inequalities rooted in poverty as well as social, religious or gender