Babyhood Is the Beginning of Creativity
Because of their lack of muscle coordination and their inability to control their environment, babies are incapable of doing anything that can be regarded as original or creative. They are learning, however, in these early months of life to develop interests and attitudes that will lay the foundations for later creativity or for conformity to patterns set by others. And this will be largely determined by the treatment they receive from others, especially their parents. Spock puts it this way:
The parent who is introducing babies to the world of inanimate things- -or failing to do so-is showing them what fun can be gained by putting a batch of spoons in a saucepan, looking at pictures in a book, dancing to the music of the phonograph. When the parent teaches them in this positive spirit it gives them a sense not only that things are to be enjoyed but also that they will be able to manipulate them successfully. Or if the parent has the opposite attitude, it may teach them that objects are to be suspiciously avoided because playing with them involves some kind of danger or parental wrath.